RGPWA Geraldton Event

The RGPWA Midwest Team recently held an event in Geraldton to showcase the RGPWA. The event was well attended by medical students from the Rural Clinical School of WA, interns, resident medical officers and registrars employed at Geraldton Regional Hospital and staff from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).
Dr Ruth Highman, RGPWA Midwest Director of Clinical Training (DCT), presented about rural generalist medicine as a vocation, rural generalist training pathways for both the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and RACGP, the various advanced skills on offer by the two colleges, an overview of the RGPWA, the support services offered to trainees on the pathway and her role as the RGPWA Midwest DCT. She also shared insights into her life as a rural generalist and her experience as a dual-college trained fellow.
The medical students and prevocational doctors who attended thought that it was an informative and helpful session.
"Thank you for explaining everything about the different pathways to becoming a rural generalist. It was comprehensive and clarifying, thank you!", said one of the attendees.