RGPWA launches innovative career support tool for rural generalist trainees

We are excited to share the latest development in our continuous efforts to support our rural generalist trainees.
The Rural Generalist Pathway WA (RGPWA) offers an array of tailored support services to guide trainees through every stage of their rural generalist training. Amongst these services, case management stands out as the most sought-after. To ensure our trainees receive effective and personalised career advice and mentoring, each trainee is paired with a dedicated RGPWA Director of Clinical Training (DCT). All our DCTs are experienced rural generalists and can provide bespoke career navigation and support, helping trainees navigate their journey towards fellowship and beyond.
To support these career navigation sessions, the RGPWA Coordination Unit has developed an innovative tool: the Career Navigation Record. This electronic record follows each trainee throughout their journey on the RGPWA, documenting their aspirations and the outcomes of their career discussions. The record captures notes from each meeting and builds on previous conversations, allowing for greater visibility of a trainee’s progression.
Additionally, we have created a comprehensive Career Navigation Guide for our DCTs. This guide contains detailed instructions on completing the Career Navigation Record and provides a range of resources to help DCTs provide targeted and effective advice.
The implementation of the Career Navigation Record has already yielded the following significant benefits:
- Trainees receive high-quality advice and clear, understandable training plans.
- DCTs have greater visibility over previous discussions, ensuring continuity and easy access to relevant resources.
- The Coordination Unit has collected valuable information to aid future planning and research.
The RGPWA Career Navigation Record is innovative, efficient, and user-friendly, ensuring that our trainees receive the best possible support throughout their rural generalist training journey.