A rewarding cultural immersion experience for our Wheatbelt doctors in training

Some of our Northam Hospital doctors in training recently had the opportunity to join Dr Marion Kickett for a very special Aboriginal cultural immersion day in York.
Sponsored by the RCSWA Regional Training Hubs team, the aim of this experience was to provide our doctors in training with a greater awareness and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and cultural practices, and a deeper understanding of the skillset necessary for engagement with Aboriginal patients and clients.
Dr Kickett is a Noongar leader from the Ballardong language group in the Wheatbelt region of WA. She is passionate about educating people from all cultural backgrounds about Australian Aboriginal culture.
The youngest participant was 9-month-old baby Alix with mum Dr Teegan Garner. Dr Garner was offered the opportunity to attend because she one of our RGPWA trainees with future plans to live and work in the Wheatbelt region. The participants were joined by staff from the WACHS Wheatbelt Medical Education Unit, including Dr Anna Varone (Northam Director of Clinical Training), Jocelyn Butler (WACHS Northam Medical Education Officer) and Jo Potts (WACHS Narrogin and RGPWA Medical Education Officer and RCSWA Regional Training Hubs Project Officer).
On behalf of the WACHS Wheatbelt team, we thank Dr Kickett for providing this tremendous learning opportunity to our doctors in training!