Welcome to Dr Annabel Marshall, RGPWA's 100th trainee

The RGPWA Coordination Unit was excited to onboard our 100th trainee in October this year! The 100th trainee, Dr Annabel Marshall, is a prevocational junior doctor due to commence employment as a resident medical officer at Albany Health Campus in 2024. “I decided to join the RGPWA as I am very passionate about rural healthcare, coming from a small country town myself. I recognise the significance and importance of the skills that rural generalists bring to their community and wish to one day be able to fulfil a similar role. With the help and support provided by the RGPWA, I hope to better navigate the challenges that are faced with rural and remote healthcare and give back to places that hold a special place in my heart,” Dr Marshall said. The RGPWA Coordination Unit was established in 2020 and first accepted trainees on the pathway in 2021. The aim of the RGPWA is to facilitate the transition for rural generalist trainees through the various educational and training components, as well as provide post-fellowship support to rural generalists. Aspiring to become a rural generalist? Join the RGPWA and be supported throughout your training journey and beyond. Visit the Applications page to find out how.